Ya’ll Living In Flow… I want to too

For the longest I’ve heard people talking about “living a life in flow” or “getting into flow.” Which to me translated to being happy, manifesting your dreams, and being at peace. It sounds like a great place to be… but like, how does one do that exactly???

I have received so many answers like, “well you just gotta stop going against the current of life” or “you just gotta live and let live, ya know.” I always found myself responding with something like, “that all sounds really nice, and I want to put those things into practice… but like, how? Cause the way my brain works, combined with the length of my to-do lists, goals, family responsibilities, on top of job, wife, and mommy responsibilities works… haha brotha man, Imma need a detailed road map or formula, you hear me.”

Everyone was telling me the right things, it just wasn’t clicking in this over-analyzing, hyper-aware, somewhat of an empath, ulta go-getter brain of mine.

I read so many books, many of which I have listed on the books tab as recommendations for you all. It took reading tens of books, countless conversations, prayer, meditation, therapy, and the blood of Jesus to finally develop this simple formula that has provided me with so much peace. It has allowed me to enter the highly coveted life in flow. I’m still learning, but hopefully this helps someone out there as much as it has helped me.

-And don’t worry this isn’t one of those articles, that never tells you the formula but asks for your credit card information.

My Life Formula For Flow:

It’s simple. Allowing + Trust + Faith = Flow

Now let’s breakdown what that actually means.

Stepping into current circumstances with the practice of replacing resistance towards “unwanted” challenges with open gratitude to “much needed” lessons is allowing.

Allowing yourself to believe that you’re on the right path regardless of if you’re current circumstances match your expectations is trust.

Trusting that your current circumstances are as they are to serve you in accomplishing your purpose is faith.

Faith that all things serve your greatest good provides you with the freedom to be self-assured and unburdened by any obstacles experienced is living a life in flow.

Allowing + Trust + Faith = Flow

Get into it dolls.

Sparkle babes.